
If you hear a squealing sound or feel a vibration from your brakes, it might be time to have them checked. We rely on our vehicles to get us where we need to go, safely. With regular brake inspections, we can ensure your safe on the road.
Call Us (813) 492-9503

Brake Inspection and Repair

Brakes help a driver control their vehicle and avoid collisions on a regular basis, making them the most important safety mechanism on a vehicle. It is critical for drivers to keep their brakes in good working order and to understand when to change their brake fluid or maintain their brakes in other ways. At least once a year, brakes should be inspected. Some common symptoms of brake problems include: shaking steering wheel while braking, spongy brake pedal, grinding squeaking, or squealing brakes. Dominick's Mobile Auto Repair will inspect your brakes to ensure your safety on the road.
Call Us (813) 492-9503

Dominick's Mobile Auto Repair

Our trusted and skilled mobile mechanics in Tampa will help diagnose your car issues and get you back on the road in no time.


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