
During a tune up, we check your air filter and hoses, fuel filter and ignition components, and replace if necessary. Manufacturers recommend performing a tune up every 100,000 miles to keep your engine running smooth, prevent damage, and improve fuel economy.
Call Us (813) 492-9503

Tune-ups in Tampa

Each engine will have its own set of requirements. Dominick's Mobile Auto Repair can help you determine what services your vehicle requires based on its previous use and typical driving conditions. A tune-up will improve the performance of your engine and help your vehicle get the best gas mileage possible. If your engine "knocks" when you accelerate, you've noticed a drop in gas mileage, or your "check engine" light is illuminated, it's time for a tune-up.
Call Us (813) 492-9503

Dominick's Mobile Auto Repair

Our trusted and skilled mobile mechanics in Tampa will help diagnose your car issues and get you back on the road in no time.


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